Celebrating culture, cultivating creativity
Why an Arts & Culture Master Plan?
One of the goals in the City of Temple’s Strategic Plan FY 2024 Update is to “Develop and showcase Temple as a unique place with amazing arts, culture, dining, and recreation experiences and amenities.” Developing an Arts & Culture Master Plan was identified as a key action item to advance this goal. The plan will align city leaders, arts and culture organizations and professionals, and the general public around the unique types of arts and culture we’d like to have here—and offer an implementation plan to make it happen. As part of our planning process, we’re asking all community members to share their thoughts on what the unique experience of Temple should be. Please take our survey to have your voice heard!
What will the plan do?
The Arts and Culture Master Plan will be a city-wide, collaborative effort to:
Evaluate existing arts resources in Temple and identify where there are gaps to be filled
Provide recommendations for public art, arts facilities, and arts and culture programming
Outline clear steps to make Temple a city with compelling arts and cultural offerings
Create a shared vision for members of Temple’s arts and culture community
Project Timeline
Phase 1: Pre-planning & Discovery (Jun–Aug 2024)
Steering Committee meetings + Stakeholder interviews
Phase 2: Community Dialogue & Engagement (Aug 2024–Jan 2025)
Focus groups + Public survey + Consultant team site visit
Phase 3: Synthesis of Ideas & Strategy Definition (Feb–Mar 2025)
Phase 4: Draft Plan Development & Review (Apr 2025)
Phase 5: Final Review & Recommendations (May–Jun 2025)
How Can I Share My Thoughts?
We’d love to hear from you!
Thanks in advance for your valuable feedback.